
If you’ve tuned into the tv, radio or internet the past few days,  you already know thiis–

 Monday marked the fourth day of record-breaking temperatures   here in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.  

But there was hope


As forecast, it  arrived full blast on Tuesday afternoon, dropping high temperatures from 91degrees to 33 degrees in a mere 12-ish hours.

And with that record-breaking plunge came (early) September snow.   


Not making sense, jarring, strange, odd, absurd, bizarre. Not fitting together.

Nor the exclusive property of the weather.  Right in front of me on my trail walk two days ago—incongruities.

A bearded, Paul Bunyan look-alike leading  a leashed miniature chihuahua. (I didn’t have the chutpah to take a picture)

Ancient-looking rock formations in a creek with no nearby, similarly-sized  rock sources.

A giggling,   snuggling couple oblivious  to anything oncoming.  



Incongruously headspiningly filled with revolving laughter and tears.   And hope for the next season, just around the corner. 

To the Master Meteorologist— thank you!


Author of "Oldest Daughters: What to know if you are one, are married to one or have ever been bossed around by one." Currently writing a suspense/mystery. Blogger at and Former Universal Press Synicate columnist, "Talk to Us," and free-lance feature writer for local and national newspaper and magazines, including Meredith/Better Homes and Gardens, National Catholic Reporter.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Phil

    Thanks a lot, Pat. I love your pictures and comment. Very insightful! Phil

  2. Nora Ellen Richard

    This is a perfect example of a picture worth 1000 words. Love the photos and your brief comments. Keep them coming.

  3. Hibiscus

    My first thought when I hear “ incongruity” is that which lacks harmony, a discord..Currently there seems to exist many incongruities in our world, nation, in our personal lives today. Can these many incongruities call us to a heighten awareness to listen , heal and repair divisions, thus prompting unity, justice , and respect for humankind?

  4. Earl Hogan

    Patricia, you clearly haven’t lost your wonderful talent of being a terrific wordsmith.

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