What’s Behind It?

What’s Behind It?

Today’s post and the accompanying photo are both about a trending topic — Motivation. 

From Russian President Vladimir Putin’s troop movement into Ukraine to the after-game punch thrown by an NCAA basketball coach, the same question emerges. What motivated these incidents ? 

But perhaps more to the point —-What does all this have to do with you and me and the posted photo?

 Here’s the back story, pun intended. 

A few weeks ago the parish where I worship invited a group of artisans from a divided, disputed part of the Holy Land to sell their artwork in the church narthex, aka vestibule. Motivation: helping Palestinian-Christian craftspersons support themselves.

As I passed by one of the display tables, a small figurine caught my eye. It depicted the Gospel story of Joseph walking alongside Mary, astride a donkey, cradling the infant Jesus.  Motives? Fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod’s order to slay all male babies under the age of two and so remove a threat to his throne.

One evening while showing my purchased piece of carved art to a friend, I turned the olive-wood sculpture around and saw a detail on the back side, —  Joseph’s right arm wrapped tight around Mary, making sure she was securely seated  on their journey. Tender evidence of his protection motive, barely hinted at on the front.

 I’v recently been taking the figurine from a shelf in my family room, turning it around, looking again at its two sides.  As I run my fingers over its satiny smoothness, I find myself motivated to consider: 

  • What could I be missing in giving only a glancing look at  people and events around me, by  failing to consider what might be motivating them?   
  • How would I  — and those accompanying me on my life’s journey — benefit if I explored my own motivations?  

Bottom-line: What’s behind the judgments I make and the actions I take?


Author of "Oldest Daughters: What to know if you are one, are married to one or have ever been bossed around by one." Currently writing a suspense/mystery. Blogger at patriciaschudy.com and oldestdaughter.com. Former Universal Press Synicate columnist, "Talk to Us," and free-lance feature writer for local and national newspaper and magazines, including Meredith/Better Homes and Gardens, National Catholic Reporter.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lanti R

    Love this.

  2. Phil

    My heartfelt thanks to you for this beautiful reflection. You have a contemplative way of looking at things. A small piece awakens your heart and motivates you to live life in a more meaningful way. God bless you. Phil

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