
This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Barbara

    You have done a wonderful job creating this web site. I love it and will look forward to reading your blogs. Barbara Bartocci

    1. phschudy

      Thank you, Barb!

  2. Kelly Miller

    Hi Patricia–Glad to see you have another book in progress. I still enjoy reading the first one!

    1. phschudy

      So good to hear from you, Kelly! Yes, I’m busy writing Fiction is a whole different genre (truism). Please stay in touch. Pat

  3. Elizbeth Chatfield


  4. Earl Hogan

    Patricia, you are as talented as ever — more so!

  5. Earl Higan

    Patricia, you are as talented as ever — more so!

    1. phschudy

      Thank you, Earl!

  6. Paula O’Connor

    Pat, You are multi-talented! Great photos. Lovely prose. Your new site is wonderful. Congratulations from a Mountie.

    1. phschudy

      Paula — I so appreciate these wonderful words from a fellow Mountie — from you! Motivating!

  7. Barbara Fay

    Congratulations for taking a new direction, or on expanding your skill sets.

    1. phschudy

      HI, Barbara — So good to hear from you. Thank you for your interest and your comment.

  8. Jack Hunthausen

    Glad you were able to get this up and running. Best wishes always.

    1. phschudy

      Jack, thank you for staying with me through this process!

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